Friday, 15 July 2011

frosty mornings

We are now arising to heavy frosts in the mornings.  This morning a lot of the dingoes were sitting out in the grassy areas which were white with frost, and their water buckets were iced over.  The dingoes are not eating much at the moment - post breeding season and no bitches in pup or feeding pups.  They were given 6 chicken drumsticks each yesterday evening (work that out for 41 dingoes), and the only ones who ate most of their food were the yearlings.  All the rest might have eaten one or two drumsticks but left the rest.
Seventeen of the males were chemically castrated at the beginning of the year, annd their testicles remain very small, with no sign of returning to the normal size.  We are told by the company producing the implants that the non fertile phase can last for up to 12 - 18 months, and that is just for the ones that supposedly only last for 6 'months.  Let's hope we don't have to use any males next year.